Gadgets to Help Reduce Summer Utility Bills

Expensive UtilitiesIt’s about to get real hot in New Mexico. But lets be honest, the warmth is pretty overdue. Although it makes  working construction sites pretty rough, right now, it sounds preferable to the bitter chill of the summer months.

During summer though, the bills go up as the heat goes down inside the home. We need a popsicle-like home to contrast the blistering heat outside. Whew! Let us give you some tips on how to cut back some energy use and make those bills less heavy.

Did you know that as much as ten percent of the cost to power electronics and household devices is wasted on vampire load? The vamp load is otherwise known as the energy consumed by plugged-in devices not in use. When your energy bill is making you sweat this summer, use these money saving gadgets to help keep you cool:

Find your energy vampires; find out which devices you should leave plugged in full-time and which are sucking you dry with Kill-A-Watt. Plug devices into the unit and in a few days you’ll have answers. No need to waste money on devices that don’t need to be plugged in 24/7.

Power strips are great for surge protection but have not been energy efficient until now. Smart surge protectors can turn off power to devices that aren’t in use even while powering ones that are. Pretty smart. Click here to purchase.

Just whistle if you wonder when you should replace the filters in your AC or heating unit. These inexpensive air filter alert whistles take the guesswork out of the job and let you know when filters are dirty. Click here to purchase.

More heat than light. While fluorescent bulbs are better known for energy efficiency, they can also help keep your cooling bill down. As much as ninety percent of the electricity used by an incandescent bulb is converted to heat rather than light, and that competes with your air conditioner.

Cracks, leaks, and drafts cause home energy use to go up as much as twenty percent. Perform seasonal checks for drafts around doors and windows, of course, but also consider foam backing for your electrical outlets and switch plates. And if you have a mail slot in your home, Eco Flap stops that energy loss cold.

iForgot to turn off the lights! No problem, even if you’re away from home you can control lights and devices remotely with your iPhone using the WeMo Switch. Not feeling that techie? A simple upgrade to a new programmable thermostat can save between five to twenty percent on your energy bill, when you follow the manufacturers instructions.


We hope these tips help lower your energy bill this summer!

Have a happy summer filled with happy, relaxed days!


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